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Recent Analyses
Is type A blood more susceptible to illness?...
Some claims are well-supported while others oversimplify complex relationships.
Miles de mujeres han cantado con mucho sentimiento estos versos de la que quizás es la canción más e...
La mayoría de las afirmaciones se apoyan en fuentes confiables, a excepción de ligeras discrepancias en algunos detalles.
Seitan 21g or protein in 100g...
Most claims are supported by evidence with minor nuances.
gays are more creative...
The claim that gay individuals are more creative is not empirically supported.
Lemons sink limes float ...
The claim about buoyancy is reversed and the misuse of citrus benefits to counter misinformation is misleading.
The Great Wall of China Is the Only Man-made Object Visible From Space...
Most claims are well-supported and reflect accurate scientific observations.
Делюсь личной рефлексией о том, как низкая самооценка и истощение ресурсов могут разрушать близкие о...
Most claims are strongly supported by evidence, with one claim reflecting subjective personal experience.
earth is flat ...
Most of the claims are refuted by extensive scientific evidence.
How clever designs helped save 80 people after their plane caught fire, lost a wing and skidded down...
Claims are accurate and well supported.